Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Glasgow PodcART feature

The guys at Glasgow PodcART were kind enough to feature me on their site this morning. I made a radio documentary on the Glasgow music scene in which I interviewed Halina, Sean and Nic podcART. I sent them a copy of the finished doc and they liked it so much they thought they would share it with everyone.

I can't thank them enough for agreeing to take part and for spreading the word about both my blog and my documentary. I'd also like to thank Jim Gellatly, Ashley Leggate (Oxjam Regional Manager for Glasgow), Bruce Rintoul (Lofi Studios) and Doug Summers (SambaYaBamba) for taking time out of their busy schedules to let me rabble on asking question after question. Thanks also to all the people who agreed to interviews that I never had time to arrange.

I know the blog's been quiet recently but only one more week left of College before I'll be back blogging regularly. Keep your eyes peeled for a wee interview and acoustic session within the upcoming weeks.

Cheers for all the support!

To see the full feature and listen to a stream of my documentary, click here.
